Create a map in Notion the easy way

Visualize your Notion databases in beautiful maps within minutes. No code required.

What people are saying
I love Notion Maps as it helps showcase the members in our community in our directory that helps professionals connect with others in their area! Since the moment we started using them it was positive experience.
Joe Casanova
CEO of Furlough
Notion Maps has been amazing to use! In particular with my line of work (property development), it's really useful to see all the locations we have in our database in relation to each other when we are considering potential locations. Updating the map is seamless and really easy to do on a daily basis.
Brian Luu
Property Development and Architecture, BlocHaus
Users registered
Maps created
Locations created
How it works

No coding skills required to make a map like these

You can embed your link anywhere, including Notion pages!


Map creation made easy

Make a map with your Notion database in minutes. You can embed or share your map anywhere.

No code map

Create a map with your Notion database in less than 5 minutes, it just works.


We translate your addresses automatically, you will get the coordinates for every row in your database.

Embed or share

Your maps will have a link that you can embed on any Notion page or share with anybody.

Three map providers

OpenStreetMap, Google Maps or Mapbox, you can choose how your map looks.

Mobile friendly

Our maps are made with mobile devices in mind, so they can be adapted to any screen size.

Custom styles

You can use custom styles from Google Maps with your mapId or your custom style from Mapbox.

More features

Feature-rich map

Find out why Notion Maps is the best choice.

Features 01

Get to the right place by searching

With built-in filters, you can filter the maps markers by date, select or multiple select. Soon, more Notion types will be available.

Features 01
Notion types

Multiple Notion types supported

After synching your Notion database with Notion Maps, each row will be shown in a beautiful format.

Features 01
Sort and hide

Pick the columns you'd like to see

You can choose which columns to display on your map, and in what order you want them to appear.

Features 01
Notion colors

Colorful markers

Use the same colors from Notion in your markers, just choose what column to use.


We have plans for every need.

Free to get started

USD / mo
Billed yearly ($0)
All the features to get started.
  • Create a map with no code.
  • Embed or share your map anywhere.
  • Each location can have a different color.
Up to 1 maps.
Up to 10 locations per map.
Up to 60 updates per map per month.
Unlimited number of columns and types.
You can choose from 3 map providers.
Locations list
Custom map configuration
USD / mo
Billed yearly ($180)
For heavy duty and professional use.
  • Create a map with no code.
  • Embed or share your map anywhere.
  • Each location can have a different color.
Up to 2 maps.
Up to 100 locations per map.
Unlimited map updates.
Unlimited number of columns and types.
You can choose from 3 map providers.
Locations list
Custom map configuration
USD / mo
Billed yearly ($420)
If you need more data and power.
  • Create a map with no code.
  • Embed or share your map anywhere.
  • Each location can have a different color.
Unlimited maps
Unlimited locations per map.
Unlimited map updates.
Unlimited number of columns and types.
You can choose from 3 map providers.
Locations list
Custom map configuration

Have any question?

Transparency is very important to us

With the free plan, do you collect any data about me?
Our free plan does not collect any information about you or your Notion databases. The free plan is a useful strategy for us, we think Notion Maps is useful for personal projects and eventually will be useful for professional projects as well.
Is my entire Notion data accessible to you?
When you connect Notion Maps to your Notion account, you give us access to a specific workspace. We will not be able to access any other workspace, and you can revoke the access manually.
My data is safe with you, right?
Our providers meet all the security rules we need, and all maps are safely stored. In addition, every connection you make with Notion Maps uses HTTPS, which encrypts all your data.
Do you have any affiliation with Notion?
We don't have any relationship with Notion or its creators, we're just fans of Notion and realized a tool like this was needed.
Is it possible to delete my account? If I delete my account, what happens to my data?
You can delete your account at any time. Once you delete your account, all your maps and their locations will be deleted, as well as all the data we use to access your Notion data. You will not experience any changes to your data in Notion as a result of this action.
How are the coordinates stored?
Coordinates are stored in the same Notion database as addresses, so even if you stop using Notion Maps, the translation of addresses into coordinates will remain.
Is there a return policy for payments?
If you are not happy with our service after the first 30 days, you can request your money back.
Can you help me if I still have questions?
Feel free to contact us by email at or use the chat box below.
© 2022 NotionMaps. All rights reserved.